World Wide Unique Traditions

by Female Abroad

Our world history certainly brings us some interesting festivals and traditions. Enjoy!




During this pre-wedding tradition friends and family are the future couple come together and break various objects (no glass) to help the couple practice working together in difficult time but the group leave the dishes for the couple to clean up to also show the significance of hard work.

Guring Championship - Funniest UK Face


Since 1267 the English have held the Gurning Championships which look for the most grotesque face possible.

Feed the Dead


Most graves in Rome contain pipes in which their kin an pour honey, wine and other food items into their grave to feed the deceased.

Camel Wrestling


During mating season, this festival has two male camels put together and which ever one doesn't run away is the winner. If they decide to fight each other, they don't cause any inguries to each other but people are asked to stay away from the camels as they will usually discharge a sticky, sickly smelling saliva.

Blackening the Bride


This custom involves throwing eggs, spoilt milk, and other disgusting things at her. Once "blackened" she is then paraded through town. This is supposed to represent that life is tought but marital problems will look tiny compared to this.

Bride Kidnapping

Romani Gypsies

If there is a female that you are interested in being your bride, you just have to kidnap her and keep her hostage for 3-5 days. If you are able to do that then you've won the right to marry her.

Teeth Tossing


Instead of giving the teeth to the tooth faerie, the Greeks toss them onto the roof.

South America

Show up Late


Arriving on time is considered rude in Venezuela as it's seen as being too eager and greedy. But how late can you show up? At least 15 minutes later than the scheduled time.

Eat the Ash of the Dead

Venezuela and Brazil

The Yonamamo tribe is found in Venezuela and Brazil. This tribe's tradition forbids them from keeping any body parts of the dead so to prevent this, they cremate the body and crush any bits that did not burn. Once the pieces are small enough, it is divided amongst family members and eaten. In the Tanomani tribe, they burn the body and then mix the ash as well as the bone into a plantain soup that everyone drinks with the belief that this pleases the dead person's soul as it will find it's resting place in their body.

Initiation Custom


In the Satare Mawe tribe, young boys showcase their courage by placing hands in a basket filled with angry bullet ants that have extremely painful bites.